I found Six Pups Roaming around my house and were unattended they were small and must be aged at 1 month, were starving for food and water. and clearly suffering from Mal Nutrition and on the verge of Collapsing. These dogs were stray dogs. I gave them food and water for several days hoping that once they grow up, they would go find their own living.
But then One pup was over run by traffic, at that point i realized issue of stray dogs and what can be done.
Stray dogs usually living in urban population are not attacking by nature and does not bite, However they are prone to rabies and other diseases and can transmit same to humans.
there are many issues concerning this but there is no positive movement to help stray dogs. as a human we should do something to help stray dogs.
I was able to find some homes for pups, and i adopted one pup photographed above.
there are organizations who helps to resolve stray dog issue like WSD who would use humanitarian methods for stray dogs issue rather then Mass Killing,
support http://www.wsdindia.org/
Lets us all at our local community work to resolve this issue.