Tuesday, February 17, 2015

MODI (C.M) vs MODI (P.M)

Narendra Damodardas Modi is an epic, a Fairy Tale, How a boy from Modest Origin Became Chief Minister of Gujarat and From There Became Prime Minister of India. Narendra Modi Today is at Epitomes of His Carrier and in My Personal Views he is greatest Statesman of this Century, There are far and few who matches his caliber, Understanding and Oratory, Matched With Excellent Understanding of Political Environment and Presentation and Portrayal of Nation, State, Party and Persona, Few Close Competitor to Modi Could Be Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, Ronald Regan, Churchill,

When Narendra Modi Became Chief Minister of Gujarat, He Was an Unknown Face for the sate, I was in My Collage Years and Politics was just Politics, Students were rather not interested in Politics and was overlooked by Most of US, Scenario Quickly Changed in Normally Business Friendly Gujarati Community,Narendra Modi Came to Initial Spot Light During Godhra Riots, with those riots Political turmoil in Gujarat Became Evident and Thus Rise of a Man You see today As Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi,

After Godhra Riots Things Changed Rapidly and Narendra Modi and His Machinery Went in Over Drive For Image Overhaul, and with that We saw pace of Development, never evident or Known to Indians, Gujarati First time became aware how fast projects can be established and implemented and how Political Machinery Can Deliver Efficient Result in Time Line,

During those time, Gujarat Became Model of Development and things like 24 Hours Electricity, Efficient Water Supply, And Efficient Bureaucracy and machinery became right of All Gujaratis rather then a Distant Dream Few Years Ago in BJP Government,

Narendra Modi Work During times of Great Difficulty of Earth Quake and Surat 2006 Floods Became Example for Management Students,

From 2002 Gujarat Always Voted Narendra Modi and in Each Election His and His Party Majority Increased and In Pockets Of South Gujarat, Ahmedabad, Narendra Modi Achieved Absolute Majority, till 2014,

In 2014 Looking at His work, India Voted him as Prime Minister and a First Non Congress Prime Minister with Absolute Mandate, and We Gujaratis Now Had a Prime Minister Named Narendra Modi,

Height of his Popularity in Gujarat was and is Such, that People like us who were remotely affected with result of Delhi Election, were Praying for BJP Win, And But this time after 15 Years Narendra Modi Lost and He Lost This Election Significantly to AAP and Rather Novice Kejriwal,

But During this Election Lot of things have changed, Humbleness has never been Narendra Modi 's Best Quality, His Style of Leading Campaign was more Like a Commander on Border Rather then a Politician, With Strong Words, and Accusations, He Lead his way to Delhi Election,  With Absolute Power Came Arrogance, And Narendra Modi Persona and perception in people Changed From Being Robin Hood and Merchant of Dreams to An Arrogant King of Vast Kingdom,

Narendra Modi Who Fought His Every Election without Uttering Word Free Or Concession, Suddenly Lost his touch And Became a Sangh Pracharak, Attacking and Defaming His Opposition, Just the Way He Started his Political Life, His Core Issues in Every election were not Freebies Rather were Availability and Quality of Resources, and Services,  which Changed Drastically and Focus became Opposition,

Narendra Modi in Gujarat and in India Gave People Dream of Development and Full Filled it as CM of Gujarat But Killed it him Self when he became PM,

His Authoritative Government and Governance Style Became Mark of Arrogance in Delhi, His Non Responsiveness to Issues, Like Smirit Irani as HRD Minister, IIT Resignation, VHP Shenanigans Made People to see Completely Different Prime Minister and what He Made them to Believe,

Height of His Arrogance and Ignorance towards Voters Became Evident in His Million Rs. Clothes During Obama Visit, While it is personal Choice, But people were disconnected with him due to this,

This was his transformation from Narendra bhai or Gujarat to Mr.Prime Minister of India, and then Came Delhi Election,

Arvind Kejriwal Gave Delhi a Dream, and Lots of Freebies and a Promise, While Narendra Modi and His Geniuses Offered them A Lame IPS Officer and an Agenda without Merits, Delhi Election Became Height of Narendra Modi Arrogance, when He Decided to fight this elections without Concrete Theory of Development, and Unlike Gujarat, Delhi Was not Kind to Him, Delhi Decimated BJP and Gave Mandate to Kejriwal, an Absolute Mandate

Suddenly Persona of Narendra Modi has Changed from being Common Man (CM) from 80s Amitabh Bachchan Movies, who fights evil to Privileged Man (PM), and Arvind Kejriwal took His Place

Today Narendra Modi Faces Biggest Challenge of his Political Carrier with Uncertainty in Bihar, His Opposition Now is Not Kejriwal, Nor Congress or Neither JDU Or RJD, Rather His Competition is with Him Self, People Want to See Narendra Bhai Of Gujarat Not Prime Minister of India,

Let us all hope that The Man, and The Myth Called Narendra Modi Gets his Groove Back and We will see India's First Transparent and Pro Development Government Which Can Take this Country to Great Height,

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